Monday, November 24, 2008

Turkey day is just around the corner.

I am feeling a little blue about things I cannot eat for the holiday, stuffing, pumpkin pie, cranberries, and mom's sweet potatoes. I will miss my glass of wine.

I know I will feel better this year than I have in years past. I will not be stuffed and miserable. I will be comfortable and be able to enjoy myself. I will be wide awake while others are sleepy.

I am running out of clothes. Isn't that just bizzare! I got on the scale this morning and it read 290. I am the shrinking woman. I fit in booths. I fit comfortably in the chair at the salon to get my hair colored. I do get hungry for foods. I tried tacos. Yum, as long as the shell was fried crispy I could eat it, but I think today I will just do the meat, cheese, tomatoe, and sour cream.

Aquasizing is great fun. I am so impressed at the encouragement I recieve from the girls in the class. All except the instructor are old enough to be my mother.

Anyhow things are going good. I have to remember to eat slowly, don't drink with meals, chew my food very well, and don't let myself get too hungry. I also have to exercise and work at staying fit and getting fit.

This year I am thankful for my supportive friends, family, and a healthier me. Kayaking is just a few months away......

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I am faithfully exercising an hour every day in the pool doing water aerobics and I hurt in ways I never realized would hurt. I am so out of shape physically. Hopefully with each passing day this will get better. I am the next to youngest in the class. The instructer is a year younger than me. We were in high school at the same time. She has always been an interesting person, walking to the beat of a different drummer. Very "earthy". She and her husband live on an acreage south of town. He does the most amazing stain glass. She has worked at Opportunity Village for 20 years and from what I see the people love her. She is so upbeat and positive. When I came the first day she spent the session working with me to get me in tune to the exercises.

I love the water so this is a great exercise for me. The price is also amazingly right. For $70 a year you can swim anytime you want. You can go to all of the exercise classes that you want. Right now they have them twice a week at night and 5 times a week during the day with open swimming on the weekends. An excellent deal!

Well I am in the 200's now for weight. This is an amazing change in my life. I am excited to feel good again and be out in the world, not hiding.