Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Journey begins

Losing myself, wow, I will be doing that losing a person that I have known for so many years on the ouside, I think the inner me is pretty much going to be the same. I might have a little confidence in going places and meeting new people, but otherwise I like me on the inside, just not on the outside.

Now the kayaking comes from being something I have wanted to do forever since we went to the Apostle Islands in Bayfield Wisconsin. I want to kayake on Lake Superior to the island caves. I probably will need to have lessons before going out on that huge lake. Kayaking is a goal, an activity I will enjoy when I have lost myself.

I have been thinking about weight loss in some shape or form since I was in my teen years. At that time I weighed a healthy 135 pounds. This is my journel spot for my weight loss journey began in June with a trip down to Grinnell, Iowa, to meet my surgeon and my team, the people in my corner to help me get healthy. Of course I am blessed with wonderful friends who have been there for me through all of this and will be, they are just those kind of friends. (Joyce, Kari, Lori, and Michelle, thanks ladies you are beyond wonderful). Since that time I have been working at getting healthy for my surgery that is on September 30, 2008.

So the journey begins and I am excited, scared, nervous, bitchy, and weepy. Read along with me. Some days will be up and some days down, I expect that, so will be my entries in this journal.


Michelle said...

This is going to be a journey full of emotions for you I'm sure and I will be here all along the way. If you need anything, I'm always here. I look forward to following your journey :)

Lori said...

Of course we'll follow, where ever you're going! We love ya!!!

michele said...

You can and will do this!

1 Crafty Gal said...

I love your idea here Cyd! We will be here with you every step of the way.