Friday, September 19, 2008

My son thinks I have lost it.

Today was an emotional rollar coaster day. I think it is nerves and food depravation. My son thinks I have just lost it. We talked in the morning and I was all chipper. Then we visited a while in the afternoon and I was weepy. How dumb can that be? I felt so bad, but I did a lot of that crying all day today. They told us that would not be uncommon.

I am doing a me day tomorrow, heading up to the cities, spending some time with Michelle, my friend. Seeing her new home. Just being girls together.

Oh interesting news. I ran into a friend today that I had not seen in 11 months. She is thin, really thin, looking awesome. We visited and I told her how great she looks. She had the surgery. She is going to be my exercise buddy when I get back from surgery. I am excited for this. We are going to be doing water aerobics 5:15 pm at night. Therabands and water aerobics, Lord I am going to be fit. It sounds good fit.


Michelle said...

Cyd, thanks so much for coming to visit, it was absolutely wonderful to have you up in MN again.

I'm so happy that you've found someone to work out with. You too will have lots of fun while staying fit. Sorry you had a down day, I hope you are feeling much better.

Michelle said...

Ok, I just noticed that I spelled too wrong. I meant it to say two. See how compulsive I am. LOL!

Lori said...

Got to "crack a wobbly" every once in awhile. Keeps the menfolk on their toes!!!!

1 Crafty Gal said...

That is soooo great that you found someone to exercise with!!! What an encouragement!!! Hang in there girl...don't worry about the crying days, we can deal with it. LOL!